Children and Festivals

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Children always cherish the moments of family get-together and outings. These gatherings and festive occasions create lifelong memories in a child's mind. They teach a child about our culture and the value of family ties. So, making these occasions enjoyable and memorable is important. The nuclear family system doesn't give much option for interaction among extended family members. These functions have therefore become the main occasions where children can get to know their relatives and grandparents, and participate in festivities with them. These enjoyable events make children develop a feeling of kinship and togetherness with their relatives.

Understand :- We get to know and celebrate a wide variety of special days which is celebrated from around the world. But it is very important to know the real reason why the celebration takes place. It should not occasions to buy new clothes or eat good food. The significance and real meaning of them should be explained. As all celebrations are basically about love, prosperity and peace, a child who participates in them will realize the uniformity behind all faiths, and become a tolerant, secular and human individual

Take adequate precautions :- Make sure that children's safety is well looked after, in the midst of all the fun and frolic. This is especially important on occasions when diyas have to be lit, and firecrackers exploded. When you are in a crowded place, keep your eye on your children all the time. Do not try to pass the responsibility of your children's safety to others.

 House parties or get-together are always moments of happiness and togetherness. Be it an unofficial meeting with family and friends, or a planned religious function, the energy and the joy they bring are priceless. But it takes a lot of planning. Making children participate actively, and letting them know the reason for a celebration, are important steps in making them better individual in future..
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Child Development

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