When To Start Lessons

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"What is the right time to start teaching your child the first lessons of alphabets and numbers?" Here are some pointers that will help you along.

Learning through play
It is okay to introduce your child to words and letters as he reaches 3 years. But make sure that you teach him through the most effective way of learning. Through play activities like finding the way, tracing the lines, joining the dots etc... will help in developing your child's writing and motor skills. So, make sure you employ activities like this when you start teaching a child words and numbers.

Don't underestimate your child's ability
Studies say that by the time a child is 3 years old he or she will be capable of mastering around 1000 words. This may vary from child to child. But the fact is that a child's vocabulary will consist of around 800 words that the child may or may not use regularly in his speech. By the time the 3rd year is over the number increases to around a thousand two hundred words. Keep this in mind when you start teaching your child. At the same time the truth is that child can observe and understand a lot of things by the time he is around 3 years. You should give your child the opportunity to get to learn more and more things each day.

Encourage and Spend time with them
The peculiarity of your child during this age is that they will try to imitate whatever they see or hear. Also they will try to link words and make sentences. This is the right time to introduce story books and activity magazines. The important thing is at this age your child will definitely require your full attention and guidance. So see to it that you spend time with your child and lead him along the path of learning.

Let your child make the baby steps of learning by holding your hand.

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Child Development

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