Absorbent Mind

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Toddlers are beginning to reason solved problems understand cause and effect and maths concept here are some tips for enhancing your child's thinking skills through out the day.

Encourage him to speak
Try to speak your child as much as possible. A conversation between a mother and child help to build a child's vocabulary, helps him to use language in creative ways and help him to understand different concept and so on.

Ask questions
You can ask simple questions about what your child is doing or about the thing is around him. For example if he's playing with toys ask him to name the toy and say what the colour it is. When he asked you a question encourage him to think of an answer before you respond. Instead of telling your toddlers what to do, offer him choice so he can you learn to solve problems, understand cause and effect, and increase control over his life.

Try new ways
Increase your child to try new ways of doing things such as new ways to comb his hair, draw a picture, dance and sing, shape play doh etc. So that he can practice thinking creatively.

Make sure activities are well within your child's capacity
Your toddler needs to succeed often, so make sure his activities aren't beyond his skill level. Succeeding enhances previously learned skills help him acquire new skills and build self confidence.

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Child Development

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