The Art of Losing

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Many children act very rudely or become violent when they lose in a game while playing with friends most children think that winning list the most important part of any game but this is not true losing is part of the game too.

It it's very important to make a child understand that losing is also a part of life and it is not all that bad. There are some important life lessons to be learnt from losing. Here are some tips which will help a child cope will with losing.

Talk to your Child
Explain to your child that closing is not a disaster in every game there has to be a winner and a loser. Everyone appreciates a person who is gracious even when he was lost.
Tell your child that there is a chance that he may lose some friends you feel behave rudely to them after losing a game. Make your child understand that keeping a good friend he is far more important than winning a game. Ask him to be calm and respectful of others when he loses in a game, rather than meaning indignant or bitter.

Play with him
Play with the child once in a while losing game to him then congratulate him for winning. This will help him to understand that losing is not a big deal. And when he loses tell him to do the same. This will teach him to respect and appreciate the opponent. Tell him that the more he plays against the better he will get at it.

Show him examples
It will be difficult for children who hate losing to appreciate the winner. So show your child examples to understand this concept. Watch a cricket match together and show him how the losing team appreciates the winning team. Tell him stories of famous sportsmen have behave even after they lost an important race or match. This will help him to be more positive towards the feeling of losing.

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Child Development

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