Merry Mealtime

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Have you ever felt that feeding your child is tough job? Is it really that tough? Perhaps. But why don't you start letting your child feed himself or herself? Don't be shocked and amazed! Initially, this might seem like a difficult or almost impossible task, but with practice your child will soon developed the coordination to eat independently. Self feeding will help to develop your child's fine motor skill Independence and sense of competence. Let's look at some useful tips to make your kids meal time enjoyable.
Make faces
With a little creativity and imagination you can a plane chapati into a clown fish you can use bit of cut cut fruits and vegetable to make eyes nose mouth and so on. This is one of the easiest and best ways to food attractive to a young child. Allow your child to touch and feel the different textures of food himself instead of merely spooning everything in Rupees Mouse.
Use fun dishes
Serve your kids snacks and meals on brightly coloured plates, decorated with cartoon or other characters. Even if he does not like the food that colourful plates may help to get him interested in the meal.
Play simple game
Let your child compare and contrast the foods on his plate. Have him fine the ones that looked the same and the ones that look different. If he has learnt to count have him count the bites as he eat.

Mealtime should be a happy experience a time for the family to gather together, chat and enjoy their food. So try not to get into power struggles with your child over food during mealtime. Try to avoid watching TV as you eat, so that you can enjoy your meal and the company of your family fully, rather than keeping your eyes glued to a TV screen.

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Child Development

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