Merely Telling Them is Not Enough 2

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Ample Training
The best time to include a good habit in a child is when he or she is little. If you try to make the child learn things through daily practice, without using force or  compulsion, lessons learnt will stay with the child or through his or her life. A child who is the cleanliness in his toddler years will retrain it in later life as well. So instead of merely giving advice, it is better to train your child to adopt useful habits like dressing properly or taking a shower daily.

Action speaks Louder Than words
Obviously if you want the child to follow your instructions it is best to make him fall in your footsteps. Be a role model that your child will observe, imitate and follow. So if you are careful and tidy your child will grow up seeing that and there will be a natural inclination to be responsible and hygienic.

Preaching or pressurizing a child is not the correct way to build character. Your positive examples and actions will have a great impact and go along the way. Instead of pushing or pulling hold your child's hand and walk with him. This will make a better and deeper impression and you will be the superparent you have always dreamt of becoming!

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Child Development

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