Teaching Children to be Appreciative

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As the current world is highly self-centered, raising a child to be grateful and caring is important, ut it's not an easy task. When a child appreciates a classmate and applauds his success, or helps his teachers to take care of a sick child, the initial seeds of caring are already sown in him. A greateful and generous heart is the most wonderful gift that any parent can give to a child. However, turning a child's mind to e considerate and appreciative of others can e possbile only through real life examples.

Train them early
Making a child feel grateful is not a matter of mere formality. Teaching a child to express gratitude and appreciation for others will help them as they grow up. Appreciating another child for an achievement, or sharing a piece of chocolate with a sibling are some of the ways in which a child can express a caring mind. It is better to appreciate a kind or thoughtful deed than the child himself.  This will make children feel good about doing something that even their elders appreciate.

Give them Resposibilities
Letting the children perform certain chores at home makes them responsible. Until and unless a child does something for others, he or she will not develop a healthy work ethic and understand and appreciate the effort other put into doing their work. There is no age limit to impart responsibility: giving small chores to even young children helps them to understand and appreciate the importance of every kind of work. Such exercises will change a child's focus from himself to others, and the world in general.

Be Realistic
If your child isn't acknowledge your efforts, or those of others, don't think that they are ungrateful or cold. It's wise to remember that they are just children trying to cope with a world full of challenges Don't jump to conclusions when your child is not behaving the way you want in front of you. You can always make discreet enquiries about the child's behaviour outside the home.

Parents should also keep in mind that they should not maintain double standards in the way they speak to, and behave with people from different strata and walks of life. This kind of behaviour  will set a ad example to children. They will be confused and will e unable to express gratitude and appreciation where it's required.
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Child Development

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