Learning Through Playing -1

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Does it sound like something tremendous when you hear about promoting literacy in your child? Does it make you tensed when you think about how to inculcate the basic of learning in your child? Well the solution is quite simple: make learning a play time activity! If you start early and effectively instead of burning yourself and the child learn on which complicated study methods, you are going to get it right here are some tips on how to do it.

Read Sing and Speak to your child
From your child's infant days onwards, try speaking and singing to the child. Speak to your toddler about various things and introduce to your child the world around him. Even if you feel that what child is not responding to such attempts, don't give up. Sooner Or later it will register.

Introduce Book and toys
The first step of your child's learning is through observation and meditation. While introducing new things make use of pictures story books and toys. Stories stick on to the minds of children forever. So, a bedtime story for a fairy tale can make a great difference in the development of your child. Take special care in selecting the stories and books for your little one.

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Child Development

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